
Have you saved your spot at the live FOLLOWEBINAR?

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How would you define management? Management is the coordination and administration of tasks to achieve the desired goals. Mr Edmund @凯旋 is our upcoming FOLLOWEBINAR presenter who’s been managing portfolio for more than 15 years, since then he has been coordinating resources, and managed to obtain 90% portfolio optimization. These are 3 main takeaways for portfolio optimization:

1) Risk Management

2) Algorithm

3) Wealth Management

Link to the last session:

Have you saved your spot at the live FOLLOWEBINAR?

Register now, as for the first time FOLLOWME is giving out additional rewards (Forex Ebooks- The 10 Essentials of Forex Trading) to 5 random FOLLOWEBINAR registrants. Rewards will be given out according to the sequence of registering through lucky draw form.

Good luck and pick your time to register! Follow #FOLLOWEBINAR# for more updates.

Missed our previous FOLLOWEBINAR?  Watch the previous webinars from the below link by  @Boriswu @ronwilliam @kraken @TMK @Syambala @FxScotty

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Is TGIF!!! Traders dont miss the awesome webinar on today ya, sure will be a wonderful program for your Friday chill!
yaapp!! excited!
only 1 day to go!! yay!
counting the days!
5 more days to go!!🙂
My favourite event is coming back, a chance to learn the experience from pro trader is gold.
good project

Pull-up Update