
Fixed Returns? A Beautiful but Illusive Dream Made by Unregulated FX Broker CorpMoon

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Fixed Returns? A Beautiful but Illusive Dream Made by Unregulated FX Broker CorpMoon

If the forex market can provide investors with a fixed return, everyone would dash into the market and no one would like to work. No regulated brokers can promise that their customers would certainly gain profits, because of the uncertainty and instability of the forex market. However, a daring fraudster, CorpMoon, made a beautiful but illusive dream to its clients - giving the clients fixed returns.


Suspicious Date of Creation

According to "History" in its website, the foundation of CorpMoon can date back to 28th of August 2018. However, the creation of the domain (https://www.corpmooninvestment...) is 26th of July 2021, about a year ago.

Many fake brokers will use one website for 1-2 years, and after a period of scamming, switch to another website and continue to scam. It is very likely that CorpMoon is this type of fraud. Fixed Returns? A Beautiful but Illusive Dream Made by Unregulated FX Broker CorpMoon


Fixed Returns? A Beautiful but Illusive Dream Made by Unregulated FX Broker CorpMoon


Invalid Contact

The scammer does not offer many methods to customers to get in touch with it, only an address in the USA and a telephone number. Fixed Returns? A Beautiful but Illusive Dream Made by Unregulated FX Broker CorpMoon

Although it also displays some social media logos and attaches links on the page, after clicking, it can be found that these links were not actually leading to CorpMoon's social platform accounts, but its homepage.

Fixed Returns? A Beautiful but Illusive Dream Made by Unregulated FX Broker CorpMoon

We were intending to figure out the real location of this scam by verifying the telephone number, but surprisingly found the number is invalid. That means traders would not be able to get in touch with the broker if trades go wrong, which is really dangerous to investors' funds.

Fixed Returns? A Beautiful but Illusive Dream Made by Unregulated FX Broker CorpMoon


Fixed Returns?

The scammer boldly claimed that it could bring investors fixed returns ranging from 20% to 40%. If such a wonderful deal exists, it is afraid that CorpMoon has already become the most popular broker in the world.

Fixed Returns? A Beautiful but Illusive Dream Made by Unregulated FX Broker CorpMoon


Not Regulated & Warning

Now that CorpMoon claims to be a "US based" company, it is necessary to check if it is regulated in the USA.

After searching the website of the National Futures Association (NFA) of the United States, we found no results for CorpMoon. In other words, CorpMoon is not regulated in the USA.

Fixed Returns? A Beautiful but Illusive Dream Made by Unregulated FX Broker CorpMoon

A warning from the Finland Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) notices traders that CorpMoon has no authorization to provide investment services.

Fixed Returns? A Beautiful but Illusive Dream Made by Unregulated FX Broker CorpMoon

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