
2024 Bagaimana Menemui Broker dengan Kecairan Unggul?

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2024 Bagaimana Menemui Broker dengan Kecairan Unggul?

Due to variations in liquidity providers and network servers, the liquidity offered by different brokers can vary significantly, even within the same currency pair market. A key metric for assessing liquidity is quote frequency. A higher quote frequency from a broker not only enables faster execution for traders but also indicates that the execution prices are closer to their expected values.

In Brokersview's comprehensive evaluation of numerous brokers, which brokers exhibit superior liquidity? The answer awaits below.

Liquidity Ranking on EURUSD

2024 Bagaimana Menemui Broker dengan Kecairan Unggul?

Average Quote Frequency (Times/Minute)

In the February real trading assessment, WeTrade, EC Markets, and Swissquote emerged as the platforms with the highest number of quotes per minute.

Conversely, Avatrade, EightCap, and Tickmill were identified as the least liquid platforms.

On the EUR/USD pair, WeTrade, the most liquid platform, provided 100 quotes per minute, while Avatrade only provided 30 quotes per minute, equivalent to one quote every 2 seconds.

Liquidity Ranking on GBP/USD

2024 Bagaimana Menemui Broker dengan Kecairan Unggul?

Average Quote Frequency (Times/Minute)

On the GBP/USD pair, GO Markets emerged as the broker with the highest quote frequency per minute, averaging 137 quotes. This was closely followed by Tickmill with 129 quotes and TMGM with 124.

Conversely, Avatrade, Exness, and EightCap were identified as the least liquid platforms among the brokers, with notably low figures of 28, 37, and 43 quotes per minute respectively, which are particularly unfavorable for scalping traders.

Liquidity Ranking on XAUUSD

2024 Bagaimana Menemui Broker dengan Kecairan Unggul?

Average Quote Frequency (Times/Minute)

In the gold trading assessment, FPG, Decode Global, and ActivTrades emerged as the brokers with the best liquidity, offering 138, 126, and 116 quotes per minute, respectively. The most liquid broker, FPG, achieved an impressive average of 2.3 quotes per second. With such high-frequency quoting, traders can expect swift execution of their orders.

However, even in the popular gold trading market, there are brokers that lack liquidity, such as Exness, Avatrade, and EightCap, which only provided an average of just over 30 quotes per minute.


The data reveals that among EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and XAU/USD, GO Markets, EC Markets and FP Markets showcased better liquidity. Conversely, Avatrade and EightCap sufferred from poor liquidity across all trading categories.

Among the three currency pairs, XAU/USD exhibited superior liquidity, followed by GBP/USD, and then EUR/USD.

The above are the specific liquidity data of brokers in February. For additional evaluation inforamtion, please refer to the BV Assessment.

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